Note before use this file :
- Instal SWF Opener and Flash ActiveX.
- Use SWF Opener to open this file and just fill all your character data.
- If you start with new char from lv 1, your character must finish the tutorial mission or this swf wont work.
- Will auto pass lv 20, 40, and 60 exams.
- Dont take any exam Lv 20, 40, and 60 or if you get lost connection while auto exam started, you must finish the exam in game. (ex : My lv 20 char lost connection while doing chunin mission stage 2, then i need to finish another stages in game).
- When all exam stages Lv 60 (SJounin) finished, class skill panel will pop-up in the swf and leveling will stop for awhile untill u pick one class, so dont forget to pick one of class skill for your character. After you picked one, leveling will auto run again.
- Last post, Do With Your Own Risk ^_^