Note before use this file :
- Instal SWF Opener and Flash ActiveX.
- Use SWF Opener to open this file and just fill all your character data.
- If you start with new char from lv 1, your character must finish the tutorial mission or this swf wont work.
- Will auto pass lv 20, 40, and 60 exams.
- Dont take any exam Lv 20, 40, and 60 or if you get lost connection while auto exam started, you must finish the exam in game. (ex : My lv 20 char lost connection while doing chunin mission stage 2, then i need to finish another stages in game).
- When all exam stages Lv 60 (SJounin) finished, class skill panel will pop-up in the swf and leveling will stop for awhile untill u pick one class, so dont forget to pick one of class skill for your character. After you picked one, leveling will auto run again.
- Last post, Do With Your Own Risk ^_^
max lvling nya sampai 80 kan
BalasHapuskan udah pake ini cheat dari lvl 85 sampe 90 koq pas mau login ga 90 ya gan ?
BalasHapusMax cma lv 80 om, klo udah lv 80 ttp bisa nmbah lv tpi cman display aja aslinya gk nmbah alhasil stlah reload lv balik ke normal lgi
Hapusowahalah gitu tohhh
Hapusgan pertanyaan OOT nih, cheat facebook dragoncity tau nggak ?
Hapushey nugroho u can makea hair style hack???? i hope this hack pls :'v
BalasHapusi'm not nugroho but i knew much about his cheats, there's no hair style hack, but i can recommended you to buy a one month emblem with only $0,99 for each month, it's not expensive if we compared with the permanent emblem price, with the emblem you can change your hair style and hair color for free :)
HapusTP & SS Mission sudh gk work bro
BalasHapusgk bsa download file -_-
BalasHapusmaksud dari amf-nya itu gimana ya gan?
BalasHapusdibiarin aja atau diubah-ubah seperti di video?
itu dibiarin ajaa, boleh pake 1 atwpun 2, bedanya kalo yg 1 itu dia pake flash versi terbaru (sesuai yg ada di pc), kalo amf 2 itu versinya telat dikit (pake amf 2 kalo amf 1 error mulu).
Hapuscheat tp dong gab
BalasHapusupdate bang
BalasHapusgak bisa di download bang
BalasHapusgk bsa di extrack file nya
BalasHapusbisa selesain tutor exam engga bang ini?
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusbisaa, cari swf buatan kak nugroho yang fiturnya full, itu bisa selesaiin eudemon garden, hunting house, recruit npc gratis, ss mission, tp mission, s mission panel, clan panel, crew panel, auto daily task, dragon hunt, sama tutor exam hard.
HapusGan, kok g bs kgk muncul tuh id
BalasHapusPlss T.T w butuh tuh hack
pass di start muncul error bang
BalasHapusbang ada jual emblem harga miring kah? (sekedar nanya, kalo ada jual baru minta kontaknya)
BalasHapusBuat kalian yg gabisa coba cek versi NS di SWFnya sama yg di Ninja Saganya..
BalasHapusItu dia make versi yg bulan februari sementara kita udh versi diatas itu jadi gabisa.
masih bisa gak ya ? ns versionne undefined